I don’t go anywhere without bringing along my red Olympus Tough digital camera! While I don’t usually think of myself as a “photographer,” I cannot deny that, as someone who is constantly taking thoughtfully framed photos of the world around me, I technically am one.
I especially enjoy macro photography of our native plants, insects, soils, and other tiny yet tremendously important aspects that comprise our ʻāina. What incredible worlds these beings exist in, so often beyond our vision.
Pause. Look down. Behold.
Please ask permission before using my images. Mahalo!
Desiccated koliʻi seedpod (Trematolobilia macrostachys), Poamoho.
Budding ʻōhiʻa (Metrosideros polymorpha), Waimea.
Nalo meli maoli (yellow-faced bee, Hylaeus spp.) feeding from an ʻilima (Sida fallax), Kaunaʻoa Bay.
Endemic weevil (Nesotocus munroi), Kohala.
Nananana makakiʻi (Hawaiian happy-face spider, Theridion grallator) under a kanawao (Hydrangea arguta) leaf, Kaʻala.
Staminal column and stigmas of our endangered maʻo hau hele (Hibiscus brackenridgei), Waimea.
Hermit crab and urchin straight vibin', Kaunaʻoa Bay.
Pinapinao (native damselfly, Megalagrion spp.) resting on an ʻamaʻu (Sadleria cyatheoides) frond, Kohala.
One of our endemic orchids, awapuhiakanaloa (Liparis hawaiiensis), Kohala.
Eye markings on an endemic ʻōkaʻi caterpillar (Blackburn's sphinx moth, manduca blackburni), Puʻuwaʻawaʻa.
Wiliwili seeds (Erythrina sandwicensis), Waikōloa.
Solitary naʻenaʻe (Dubautia arborea) seed, Mauna Kea.
Koa flowers (Acacia koa), Puʻu Huluhulu.
Māmane (Sophora chrysophylla) leaf venation, Puʻu Huluhulu.